Articles and Notes
Elena V. Romanenko. “Skitskoe Pokayanie” (“The Skete Repentance”) in Monastic Manuscripts of the 15th Century 7
Nikita V. Belov. The Capture of Kazan in 1552: A Quantitative Assessment from a Source Critical Perspective 32
Vasilij V. Kalugin. Verses by Dimitry of Rostov in the Manu-script Colophon by the Old Believer Maxim from around 1820s 55
Sergei A. Fomichev. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal and Medieval Russian Literature 62
Serguei A.Kibal’nik. Autointertextuality and Interpretation (Based on Dostoevsky’s Story “A Funny Man’s Dream”) 81
Tamara V. Tsareva. “Sacred” vs. “Secular”: A Language or Other Type of Barrier in the Russian Orthodox Church? 101
Invitation to a Discussion
Andrej V. Doronin. The Tale of Sloven and Rus as the First Narrative of the Early Modern Muscovite Russian Nation: A New Approach to the Interpretation of the Tale 121
Marina A. Fedotova. The Manuscript Collections of Rostov and Yaroslavl 153
List of Abbreviations. Our Authors 177