The peer-reviewed scientific journal Texts and History (Slovesnost’ i Istoriia) is published by the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskij Dom) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal is dedicated not only to the oral or written text in history, but also to the history of the text, its language, the history of plot, topos and literary device, book history. The journal deals with questions of the history of culture, the reflection of history in literature, the connection of literature with the historical process.

The journal promptly responds to new ideas and current events. We accept for publication not only scientific articles but also literary texts and historical sources, as well as reviews of new books, polemical notes, bibliographic thematic reviews, chronicles of conferences.

The audience: philologists, anthropologists, musicologists, paleographers, book historians, historians of the culture.

The periodical was founded in 2020.

we accept for publication articles in Russian, English, German, French, Italian, as well as in all Slavic languages

Periodicity: 4 issues per year

Svetlana A. Semyachko

Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskij Dom) of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Science Citation Index:

Open access policy
The journal Texts and History has joined the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI), which aims to provide open access to peer-reviewed scholarly literature. The electronic version of each issue appears on the journal’s website immediately after going out of print.

There is no fee for publication in the journal and for access to the full-text version of the journal.

Articles are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs license 4.0 International (СC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This license gives users the right to read, copy, and distribute the publication in any medium and any format if this is done for non-commercial purposes and the authors of the publication are correctly referenced. The Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license does not authorize the user to transform licensed material or redistribute the converted material.

The journal is distributed by subscription. Subscription index BH018606 according to the catalog of the agency «Ural-press».