The editorial board of the journal “Texts and History” (Slovesnost’ i Istoriia) adheres to the ethical standards adopted by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The main points are outlined below:

  1. The editors-in-chief are responsible for everything that is published in the journal, for the quality of published materials, protect the principles of scientific integrity and freedom of opinion, and guarantee the absence of discrimination and the influence of any extra-scientific factors in the editorial process. The decision to accept or refuse publication is based solely on the scientific significance of the article, its originality, clarity of presentation, reliability of the information it contains, and its relevance to the academic interests of the journal.
  2. The editorial board and editors-in-chief ensure impartial and timely review of all published articles by specialists working in a field close to the topic of the article being reviewed. The editors ensure the selection of reviewers who do not have any conflict of interest in connection with this work. Articles written by journal staff or members of the editorial board are reviewed, like articles by other authors, according to the principle of double-blind reviewing.
  3. Reviewers are required to maintain the confidentiality of unpublished materials. Reviews should contain a reasoned and objective assessment of the presented scientific research, comment on the degree of originality of the article being analyzed, identify shortcomings in the bibliography, and, if necessary, point out similarities with other scientific works in this field.
  4. By submitting an article for consideration by the editorial board of the journal, the authors guarantee that they have not previously published the results of their research, that the article correctly presents citations of predecessors, and that the sources of the research funding are provided. Authors of articles are independently responsible for obtaining permission to publish illustrative materials. After publication in the journal, authors are given the opportunity to distribute published articles for scientific purposes.
  5. The editorial board takes measures to identify and prevent the publication of materials that affect intellectual property issues: plagiarism, incorrect citation, and falsification of data are not If necessary, corrections, clarifications, and refutations are published in the journal. The journal “Texts and History” readily considers reasonable criticism of published works and is open to scientific discussions.