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Socialist Culture Recycled
(Eastern Europe: from Disillusions to Nostalgia and Beyond)

June 25–27, 2021, St. Petersburg, The Institute of Russian Literature of Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House)
Moved from June 2020, due to COVID-19.

Topics for submission include but are not limited to:

– cultural recycling of socialist art heritage (literature, cinema, theatre, music, painting, sculpture, architecture, etc.);
 – cultural recycling as an ideological and political instrument;
– retro-culture and new media technologies (innovations in video- and audio technologies, cable television,  the Internet);
– the Soviet past for sale: recycling and marketing;
– re-utilisation of the Soviet heritage from the perspective of poetics, narratology, memory studies, trauma studies, nostalgia studies, cultural trash studies, etc. 

Organizing committee

Assoc. Prof. Lyubov Bugaeva (St. Petersburg State University)
Prof. Susanne Frank (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Prof. Arkadiusz Lewicki (University of Wrocław)
Prof. Alexander Panchenko (The Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Science (Pushkin House) at St. Petersburg; European University at Saint Petersburg)
Prof. Piotr Zwierzchowski (Kazimierz Wielki University)
Prof. Valery Vyugin (The Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Science (Pushkin House) at St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg State University)

Contact Info: Valery Vyugin valeryvyugin@gmail.com

More details can be found in the Call for Papers.